So Paul is in prison again, writing to the people of Colossae, giving them more instructions regarding what they should be doing; being watchful & prayerful. As this relates to our BEing, we are good at one, and the other well, we need to become more spiritually disciplined to do. We by nature love to watch, and sometimes our watching results in being nosey. But like the typical fan at any sporting event, we are forced to take the stance of BEing watchful cause there has never been in time, where a fan was called out from the stance into an actual professional game to participate, but in fact they are to REMAIN WATCHFUL and HOPEFUL (prayerful) regarding what's going on, on the field of play.
So what about you? As you are looking at this game of life, I know each of you are watchful (regarding other's live, the development of your children, of you IRAs, what goes on in Washington, your neighbors, etc.....) but what about the being prayerful part? Do you really try to take action before really committing to the BEing prayerful regarding whatever situation you were watching? BEing prayerful allows one to have a conversation with GOD, and GOD with the prayeful individual, after all prayer was meant to be a dialogue, not a monolgue; scripture shows this clearly through the prayerful conversation of one with GOD, and He in response.
WHAT IS IT TODAY, that GOD wants you to BE watchful and prayerful in regards? Or do you think HE wants you running out on the field during the game and disrupting the whole flow because you want to be seen & heard? I, am assuming a posture of BEing watchful (cause you just might see GOD @ work) and prayerful (because this is a discipline and I need to know and hear what GOD is saying to me). I pray someone joins me.......LGLP
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